Social dinner
The social dinner will be hosted on Tuesday 12 in the Salerno Diocesan Museum [Google Map].
The Diocesan Museum is located in the center of Salerno (Largo Plebiscito, 12), behind the Cathedral San Matteo. It is easily reached by walk in about 15 minutes from Salerno train station.
- The social dinner will start at 8.30 (p.m.) .
- The cost of the social dinner is 45 € (per person).
- To book the social dinner by 20 August, please fill in the form. The deadline for registering is expired. Some tickets are still available. Please contact the CLADAG2023 organizers (
- The dinner will be fish-based (in case of other requests, please specify them in the form).
- It will be organized and prepared by Istituto Alberghiero “R. Virtuoso” in Salerno (Hotel Management School “R. Virtuoso”).
Please, do not forget to communicate special-meal requests (e.g. vegetarian and/or celiac or other food intolerances) in the form.
Information on how to pay:
– Bank transfer
Ipseoa Roberto Virtuoso Salerno
Credit Agricole Italia
– Xoom app – (How to use Xoom app – a short guide)
A short description of the Diocesan Museum
The Diocesan Museum is one of the most important containers of works of art of Salerno. The actual location corresponds to the restoration of the structure of the Diocesan Seminary, a major cultural center of the city and the Province, together with the Library and Archives.
The current configuration of the building corresponds to the work contracted out in 1832 by Archbishop Lupoli. Following this restoration work, the complex has a strictly neoclassical physiognomy with symmetrical development built around the central axis of the door, on which stands keystone marble coat of arms of the prelate, and of the balcony above, framed by a newsstand that echoes a classical temple.
The artistic heritage of the Museum includes works that are from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century. There you can find:
- The Ivories of Salerno: the largest and most complete collection of stained glass tablets (first half of the XII century) of the Christian Middle Ages in the world. These are 67 pieces, 37 of which are illustrated with scenes from the Old and New Testament;
- An illuminated roll of the Exultet, divided into 11 parchment sheets illustrating the Easter Proclamation (proclamation of Easter), dating from the end of the first half of the thirteenth century;
- A painted cross (called of the Barliario), of the beginning of the eighteenth century;
- Paintings by Caravaggio school donated by the Marquis Giovanni Ruggi of Aragon in 1870 to the Cathedral of Salerno. These are mostly works of the seventeenth century. The main works are: the Judith, the David with the Head of Goliath, St. Jerome and St. Peter who cries for failing to recognize Jesus Christ and the painting of the biblical episode Lot and his daughters.
- Part of the collection of coins of Ancient Greece, the Roman Republic, the Roman Empire, and the Zecca of Salerno deserves to be admired. Among the thousands of coins is to point out the famous Follaro of Gisulfo II with the depiction of Opulent Salernu.
- In addition to the works exhibited the museum has paintings, mostly of wood and canvas, dating from the fourteenth to the twentieth century. Worth noting is also a Pontifical ad usum Ecclesiae Salernitanae.
To visit the Diocesan Museum, please check the visiting hours and the rates.